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Forbidden City
China, an East Asian country is one of the world’s oldest civilizations. It has a vast cultural history of more than five thousand years and an outstanding natural beauty. On the other hand, this country has remained a comparatively isolated and secluded one, and being a land of mystery, this country is not known to the western half of the world. However, China is rapidly developing and has grown in the phase of modernization, with an immense speed and is also welcoming the outer world to interact and do business with them. Designated by the State Council as being among China's leading protected monuments in 1961, The Forbidden City is surrounded by 10 meter high walls and a 52 meter wide moat. It covers an area of 720,000 square meters. Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate, the Meridian Gate on the south and the Gate of Spiritual Valour on the north being used as the door and exit by tourists today. In whole, the buildings of the two courts account for an area of some 163,000 square metres. Puyi continuously used vestiges of influence as still remained to plot his own restoration and was expelled from the Forbidden City and the management of the palace fell to the charge of a committee set up to deal with the concerns of the deposed imperial family. In the early 1950s, soon after the founding of the People's Republic, the Palace Museum staffworked with a new will and eagerness to return the Forbidden City to its former glory. The ancient paintings, scrollsand calligraphy added to the album were chiefly spectacular. The Forbidden City is definitely one of the popular tourist attractions in China. It is worth paying a visit while touring the country. This place will leave a pleasing and unforgettable memory and justify the proud cultural tradition of China.
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