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Great Bell Temple
China, an East Asian country is one of the world’s oldest civilizations. It has a vast cultural history of more than five thousand years and an outstanding natural beauty. On the other hand, this country has remained a comparatively isolated and secluded one, and being a land of mystery, this country is not known to the western half of the world. However, China is rapidly developing and has grown in the phase of modernization, with an immense speed and is also welcoming the outer world to interact and do business with them. The Great Bell Temple is located on the western outskirts of Beijing. It houses the largest bell in China. The bell was also named Yong'le Bell after Ming Emperor Yongle who ordered it to be cast about 600 years ago. According to a recent test by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, its loud and clear sound reaches up to 120 decibels and can be heard 50 kilometres away in the depth of night. Music experts of the Chinese Acoustics Institute have found its tone pure, deep and melodious with a sprightly rhythm. Its frequency ranges from 22 to 800 hertz. The bell is known as China's king of Bells, which is 6.75 metres high, 3.3 metres in diameter and 46.5 tons in weight. Specialists from the Beijing Foundry Society and the Beijing Metallurgical Engineering Institute studied the bell and described the technique as ground pit casting with a pottery clay coated mold. Great Bell Temple justifiably so, enjoys a very positive reputation with worldwide travelers, and is one of the most visited place. The refreshing milieu, best geographical environment and the best quality of life around the Great Bell Temple offers the most pleasant site for tourists to enjoy their vacations. Its beauty and place in history captivates, and many visitors return again and again.
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