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Home > Travel China > China Attractions > Yuelu Academy of Classical Learning
Yuelu Academy of Classical Learning
China, an East Asian country is one of the world’s oldest civilizations. It has a vast cultural history of more than five thousand years and an outstanding natural beauty. On the other hand, this country has remained a comparatively isolated and secluded one, and being a land of mystery, this country is not known to the western half of the world. However, China is rapidly developing and has grown in the phase of modernization, with an immense speed and is also welcoming the outer world to interact and do business with them. The Yuele Academy of Classical Learning is located on the eastern foot of the Yuele Mountains. Founded in 976, it was one of the largest academies during the Song dynasty, and has gained a prestigous reputation over the centuries. Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi, both well known Confucian scholars lectured at the academy. In 1903, the academy became a university and in 1925, Hunan University was established at this site. The traditional architecture and calligraphy inscriptions found throughout the grounds attest to the historical and cultural importance of this center of learning. As a part of Hunan University, today the academy is a center of publication and research of the ancient Han Chinese language, and is one of the most important academic and cultural centers in China.
The Yuele Academy of Classical Learning is definitely one of the popular tourist attractions in China. It is worth paying a visit while touring the country. This place leaves a pleasing and unforgettable memory and justifies the proud cultural tradition of China.
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