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Home > Travel China > China Destinations > Jiujiang
China, an East Asian country is one of the world’s oldest civilizations. It has a vast cultural history of more than five thousand years and an outstanding natural beauty. On the other hand, this country has remained a comparatively isolated and secluded one, and being a land of mystery, this country is not known to the western half of the world. However, China is rapidly developing and has grown in the phase of modernization, with an immense speed and is also welcoming the outer world to interact and do business with them. Jiujiang is a prefecture-level city located on the southern shores of the Yangtze River in northwest Jiangxi Province, China. The city suffered only slight damage in the 2005 Ruichang earthquake, but there were several deaths reported in outlying areas. Jiujiang population is about 500,000. The city administers a total population of approximately 4,500,000, of whom approximately 500,000 are urban. The population density is 235 per square kilometers. Han people make up 99.8 percent of the population, but registered residents include representatives of 25 minority nationalities, including six with a local population of more than 100. Unlike the Gan dialects typical of Jiangxi, the local speech of Jiujiang is a variety of Mandarin.
It can also be considered as the preeminent, historical and potential tourism destination that enjoys a very positive reputation with worldwide travelers to become one of the most visited places.
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