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Home > Travel China > China Destinations > Qiqihar
China, an East Asian country is one of the world’s oldest civilizations. It has a vast cultural history of more than five thousand years and an outstanding natural beauty. On the other hand, this country has remained a comparatively isolated and secluded one, and being a land of mystery, this country is not known to the western half of the world. However, China is rapidly developing and has grown in the phase of modernization, with an immense speed and is also welcoming the outer world to interact and do business with them. Qiqihar is a major city in the Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China and has 895,000 inhabitants. Generally there are Han Chinese and the minority are among others Manchu, Daur and Mongolians. The population is about 5.611 million, where 883,550 people live in the city. The area is 4.310 square kilometers, 42.469 square kilometers including suburbs. Qiqihar is one of the oldest cities in the northeast of China and was founded in 1691. From 1931 until 1945 it was an important military base for the Japanese control of northeastern China.
Qiqiharis also said to be as the town of best geographical environment and can trace its origins back to prehistoric times. Today, one can also learn about its history, from its earliest times and pursue enthusiasm in its natural beauty and populace.
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