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Home > China News > HTML Protector Version 3.5: Protect Your Web Pages From Plagiarism
HTML Protector Version 3.5: Protect Your Web Pages From Plagiarism
SHANGHAI, PR China. - February 28, 2006: AntsSoft today announced the release of HTML Protector version 3.5, a website protection software that encrypts your web page HTML source code and protects your website from unauthorized copying, spam robots and website rippers.
The ease of copying web page source code, text and image without permission is a real problem for every webmaster today. If your web page contains unique or proprietary information, protecting that intellectual property on your website may be of primary importance.
HTML Protector protects everything in your web pages, including HTML source code, script, text, images and prevent others from viewing or using your source code. It can also stop spam robots from extracting email addresses from your pages and prevent users from using offline downloaders to download your entire website to their hard drive. HTML Protector offers three JavaScript based encryption methods to choose from and a variety of other little tweaks to disable right click, text selection and page printing. You can also password protect your pages, insert copyright information and more.
HTML Protector is the top rated website copyright protection software that is both affordable to every webmaster and effective against website plagiarism. It's also compatible with all JavaScript enabled web browsers.
HTML Protector runs under Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP/2003 and costs $39.95 (USD) for a single-user license. Registered customers are entitled to unlimited functionality, free minor updates and lifetime technical support.
About AntsSoft
Founded 2001, AntsSoft is an independent software vendor focused on developing applications for Web site building, management and promotion. Our software catalogue includes such top-sellers as SWF Text and HTML Protector which are successfully marketed in over 27 countries of the world.
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