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Game Making Talent on the Loose
SHENZHEN, P.R.CHINA (PRWEB) February 6, 2006 -- In a rare move, veteran programmer and game developer Jani Penttinen has announced he is available for new challenges.
Mr. Penttinen is an experienced game developer with more than 14 years in the industry. He has worked on such hit games as Command and Conquer: Generals and Lord of Rings: Battle for Middle Earth. Most recently he has been one of first western game makers to start a game development studio in China. The game industry is still very young so experience like his is unique and it is even more uncommon for such experienced developer to be openly looking for opportunities.
When the first 3D accelerators appeared on PC, Jani quickly specialized in 3D graphics programming. As a result Jani has been recognized world wide as an expert in 3D programming and code optimization. He has worked on more than 10 game projects in various roles, from programming to production. His services have been on a lot of demand by the top game publishers, but in the recent years he has been almost fully booked with his own indie game publishing business.
Having just started one of the first western-operated game studios in China, Jani has once again gained knowledge which is invaluable in the industry. Today and in the coming years most publishers will want to have presence in China, which is when the combination of the game making skills and experience in running business in China will come to good use.
The services available include consulting, programming (C/C++/PHP/J2ME/BREW) as well as 2D and 3D art from the team of experts Jani has put together in China. One available opportunity is to step in as a funding partner to complete a game project Jani has designed but which lacks funding to completion. What Jani is looking for is an exciting project, something where he can put his skills to a good use. Whether that is helping out on an existing game project, working on a new one or perhaps building a new game studio; remains to be seen.
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