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Home > China News > SWF Text: Feature rich Flash Text Animation Tool for Dummies
SWF Text: Feature-rich Flash Text Animation Tool for Dummies
Shanghai, China (PRWEB) January 20, 2005 -- AntsSoft today announced the release of SWF Text, the first version of an innovative text animation tool for producing professional-quality Flash movies in five minutes. Designed primarily for users unversed in Flash technology, the application allows creating Flash logos, banners, and intro pages complete with rich text and background animation effects without the need to spend money on designers, training courses, and expensive Flash tools.
SWF Text features a simple, wizard-style interface that takes the user through all 7 stages of creating a Flash movie. The user starts by setting the movie size, playback speed, background color or image and selecting one of the 27 background animation effects. Furthermore, the user will be able to input the text and animate it, using one of the 155 unique text effects. By customizing the background and text effect properties, the user may create animations unmatched in their art finesse. The movie has a hyperlink that can be opened either by a left-click or automatically upon the end of the Flash playback.
"SWF Text is designed for a newbie and professional Web-designer and brings benefits for both," said Lewis Hong, public relations manager a AntsSoft. "Unlike complex Flash development suites, SWF Text is a simple, yet feature-rich tool requiring no profound skills in Web-design. So, making Flash movies with SWF Text is as simple as drawing with a pencil. Rich Effects library plus flexible customization options will appeal to professional designers. With SWF Text they can do their Flash jobs faster, and without much effort."
Below are some of the most significant SWF Text features:
- Customized setting of the size and playback speed of a Flash movie. - Rich Effects library with over 150 text and over 20 background effects. - Solid, gradient, or image Flash movie background. - Customization of text properties including style, color, size, transparency, position, spacing, etc. - Preview Window will be automatically refreshed upon any property change. - Disable right-click context menu of a Flash movie. - Flash movie compression.
SWF Text runs under Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP/2003 and costs $49.95 (USD) for a single-user license. Registered customers are entitled to unlimited functionality, free minor updates and lifetime technical support.
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