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Home > China News > LE Cooper Decodes Prediction of Mid East War Involving China
LE Cooper Decodes Prediction of Mid East War Involving China
Predicted for 1,000s of years is a Mid East war with one side having an army of 200 million men-widly understood to be a Chinese army. The time of that war is now at the time of also predeicted 2nd Coming to earth of God. The war is likely over Mid East Oil and China being cut off from this oil supply.
(PRWEB) November 29, 2004 -- Those predictions relate to the Holy Grail family of Jesus. The Holy Grail Family is traced from Adam to Jesus to today to US Presidents. Which Grail Family descendant is the Predicted Jesus come to earth again today - judging the nations? Author LE Cooper traces in new series of books the Holy Family from Adam across the globe from Mid East to Europe and to Asia and to the Americas rewriting history and giving you a new understanding of who you are.
This decoding of the Holy Grail family hinted at in fictional best seller Da Vinci Code leads up to today and gives important clues for the timing and identification of the person / God in the Second Coming. How does this all relate to current president GW Bush's family ? A detailed review of the ancestors of GW Bush leaves important questions to follow to identify who IS GW Bush.
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